Nov 17 2005

Lessons this Week

Published by at 3:10 pm under Personal

The message I get from conformity, from a politically correct, polite society is that as long as one hides anger, meanness, trash talking, and the bad-mouthing of other individuals, it’s acceptable. There’s no evil in it. Well intentioned people can be degraded and trashed as long as the nasty things we say about them are said behind walls. As long as we appear to be good or Christian or generally mild-mannered, it’s okay to be back-stabbing and mean.

Yes, I’m guilty. I thought I surrounded myself with smart, funny, interesting people. What I’ve really done is sequestered myself with small-minded individuals with relatively nothing nice to say about others and I’ve closed myself off from a reality that — while it contains people who will drive me bug fuckin’ batty — fascinates and compels me to seek a deeper understanding. I’ve bad mouthed my fair share (though, honestly, I do try to keep it to the minimal few who really make me crazy), but you know — whose fault is it that I’m so small and petty that I need to do this? Mine. Why? Because in the interest of not rocking the boat or being socially unacceptable, I haven’t said what I really feel. I bottle my emotions up, vent them in the presence of the wrong people, all for the sake of propriety and the negative feelings just balloon; they grow and grow and grow until I burst.

Emotion is a terrible thing, you know. Logic and reason are the key to happy, tranquil lives. Mmm hmmm, and men claiming to be logical, rational thinkers still drop bombs on other people. Go figure.

I’m stagnating and the warning bells are clanging in my soul loud enough to wake the damned. Really, does it matter if I speak my mind and grouse aloud? “Shhhh, don’t raise your voice in public!” Oh? Why the hell not?

Revolt, I say! Be revolting. As long as it’s in moderation, speak your mind. Out loud, in public. Say what you mean. If your only intent is to drag other people down with you, then perhaps you should reconsider, but set your own boundaries where politeness meets the need for self expression.

Oh, and do recall that if you expose yourself in public, nekkidness can get you arrested. :)

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