Archive for November 21st, 2005

Nov 21 2005

NaNo Update: Day 21

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

Word Count: 30,368 Well, I’m back in action after virtually no writing for 7 days, but I still need to take a giant step forward. If I write daily from this point forward, I need to produce roughly 2,200 words a day. As it’s only 2 p.m. EST here, I’d like to knock back a […]

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Nov 21 2005

The REAL Stress Behind FMS

Published by under Fibrolog

Oh, good grief! I get a call from Amy at Dr. Bivins office today explaining to me that Cigna doesn’t cover appointments with Dr. Bivins. Naturally, this upsets me, as Dr. Bivins is one of the few doctors I’ve seen talk about Fibromyalgia as a possible neurological disorder. Amy also goes on to tell me […]

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