Archive for November, 2005

Nov 08 2005


Published by under Writing Journal

The world is a big, sad place when one feels alone against the masses. I asked for help and support from people I believed were friends and they’ve responded with little more than silence. It’s a slice of reality I didn’t expect, though perhaps I should have seen it coming. Maybe I’m too old for […]

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Nov 08 2005

NaNoWriMo == Freedom

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

It’s the close of day 7 and I begin day 8 with 15,030 words. My story isn’t strong, my plot gapes with holes, but my characters are relaxed and seem to do okay as long as I get out of the way. I’m a little concerned about what might happen to Tgorik once Aris enters […]

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Nov 04 2005

A Note on the Cost of Healthcare

Published by under Personal

The least expensive way to survive in life is to suffer in silence.

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Nov 02 2005

Who is nothing. What is everything.

Published by under Personal

I begin to think people aren’t genuinely interested in others unless they can somehow benefit from it. It seems this way especially in the online gaming community but also comparatively so to the writing communities I’ve experienced (which is now limited to 2, excluding NaNo). We all seem to be min-max players striving to get […]

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