Dec 09 2005
A Very UN-Politically Correct, Very MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE :)
Okay, so remember that word “sterile” I used in an earlier post? Let’s examine this whole “Political correctness” thing, shall we? At the end of Spanish class last evening, Sarah recounted a story for us about how she’d been reprimanded by her supervisor for wishing a customer Merry Christmas. It turns out that “Merry Christmas” is no longer acceptable and the politically correct terms are now “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings”.
Oh, I SO think not.
If the Inuits, Aluets, or Yupiks decide “eskimo” is perjorative and assert that the rest of us should address them by their rightful tribal identities, I agree with them. Same with Native Americans, First Nations, African Americans, Japanese Americans, Hispanics, Latinos or Chicanos. No, I don’t want to jump through hoops, but if it makes them feel heard, I’m willing to work with them towards a better tomorrow. However, if I have to refer to “horsemanship” as “horsepersonship” so as not to offend some rabid, bra-burning, man-hating feminist — it stops right there.
Please don’t get me wrong, I support feminism. No doubt, I’d suffer a number of atrocities, including death, in any third world country where women aren’t allowed to drive, should only be seen if they’re dressed to resemble Cousin It, and are expected to whisper nary a peep. Yet, I just can’t see how equality is determined by whether or not I — as a woman — am referred to as Madam Chairman or Madam Chairperson.
And … I’m really drawing the line at “Merry Christmas.”
It really doesn’t matter what labels you use, folks. Even if you acknowledge a people as Native Americans or African Americans if you continue to treat them as second class citizens, your words mean nothing. Your political sensitivities are meaningless. They’re nothing more than shallow, empty sentiments. Duh.
If you’re worried about offending your customers and losing profits, perhaps you should consider sharing the real spirit of Christmas with them. Take time out of your money grubbing, greedy little schedules to learn about THEIR holiday traditions and the customs important to them. Instead of sending a Christmas card with some sterilized “Happy Holidays” try this:
Dear [your International Customer]:
Here in America we are about to celebrate Christmas, one of our favorite holidays. In the tradition of our season, all of us here would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Enclosed is a small token of our gratitude [should you decide to send cookies, peanut brittle, or cheap giveaways plastered with your company logo]. As we are unaware of what your traditions or customs are, we’d like to invite you to share them with us any time. Please know we are thankful for your business.”
[have everyone sign the card, silly]
It really isn’t so difficult for someone to respond, “And Happy Hanukkah to you!” in reply to a cheerful greeting of, “Merry Christmas!” Go on, I dare you all to give it a try.
Do you celebrate or know of a Christmas-like tradition, custom, or religious holiday linked to mid-December or the winter solstice? If you do, and you’d like to share, please feel free to post a comment here. :)