Archive for December 15th, 2005

Dec 15 2005

The Puzzles of Punch Resolved :)

Published by under Personal

“Pleased as Punch” the puppet show star, 1709, shortening of Punchinello (1666), from It. (Neapolitan) Pollecinella, dim. of pollecena “turkey pullet,” probably in allusion to his big nose. The phrase pleased as punch apparently refers to his unfailing triumph over enemies. The comic weekly of this name was published in London from 1841. Now, I […]

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Dec 15 2005

Winter Frolics

Published by under Personal

Yay, no más español para un mez. :) Not really, but I’m glad I’m past the final. Tests meant to grade how much I can parrot rather than what I’ve learned tend to leave me biting holes in my cheek. Rather painful, really. The almighty 4.0 GPA was once so important to me. Now, I […]

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