Dec 27 2005

Day Two of Kwanzaa: Self-Determination

Published by at 1:49 pm under Personal

Happy Kwanzaa to all who celebrate this holiday! :)

Not to rain on anyone’s parade, but I thought this anti-kwanzaa article linked on Wikipedia needed to be relinked here. One of the biggest problems I have with Christianity is the whole notion that one bite from the apple tainted all of mankind forever … feh! Although I don’t feel this article paints the whole of Kwanzaa as evil based on the history of its founder (who — face it folks — was a bit on the cracked side), I do feel the author, Paul Mulshine, leans too far to the kwanzaa-is-tainted-with-evil half of the sphere in this article. Kwanzaa promotes well-being, unity, community, and creativity … hopefully one day without feeling a need for segregation. Yes, the founder of Kwanzaa did Very Bad Things ™ but Kwanzaa is not one of them.

Please remember that, although influenced by outer forces, the potential for good and evil is an internal responsibility. You live each day the way you choose and you choose each day the way you live. This is the price of free will. Sometimes choices are simple and other times they’re not. Do you perpetuate hatred or practice benevolence?

My very Catholic aunt — God rest her soul — once told me I’ll be going to Hell when I die. Why? Well, for many reasons, but among them, because I believe Jesus was a man. A good man, but still just a man. I like celebrating Christmas, not so much because it’s a holiday the Christians decided to borrow and call their own, but because it’s the supposed birthday of Jesus (the man). And, I like birthdays. Still, if it’s a birthday, I don’t understand why we make puddings and pies for desserts instead of cake!

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