Jan 31 2006
Time Just Melts Away
Heh, I’ve infected Jon. He now has the renovation bug. Hehe. Bonus! He went out to the shop last night with his tape measure and was happily graphing, charting and planning on his computer afterwards. He made a nice room plan, complete with a new dust collector — not quite as big as the one in his dad’s woodshop, but it’ll help keep the place clear of sawdust.
He offered to make me a trunk for the bedroom, too. The Grizzly catalog has a plan for a nice mission style chest. It’d fit well with my dresser and then I’d just need to find a relatively close matching nightstand. Then, all we’d basically need is to patch some of the small nail holes, paint and I think the bedroom would be good to go. Well, we could utilize the space right inside the door a little better, but I may be moving the 3-tier bookshelf from my office to there once the barrister bookcases come in on Friday. Yay for no more books in boxes (well, some anyhow)!
Marni’s doing a Wednesday night workshop on creativity this month in Roanoke I’m hoping to attend regularly. I hit the floor a lot lately, even with the new shift in pacing to 2 hours/20 minutes. I keep coming up with this stupid little cold that isn’t too bad, but pesky enough that it runs me down and then all I want to do is sleep. Then of course, I get mad and whine to Jon because I don’t get anything done.
Speaking of … Jon came up with a suggestion for tackling the Fibromyalgia and my struggles with attaching my self-worth to productivity. Instead of focusing on what I haven’t done, every evening I now need to list what I’ve accomplished throughout the day. When I remember to write everything down (and can remember everything I’ve done throughout the day) this has worked wonders for helping me to see that, yes, there is progress even if I can’t see it.
I haven’t wanted to be on the computer — both good and bad. Most of my writing is long-hand. :) Which means lots of transcribing later. It also means holes in ye old blog. I have to do that everything in moderation thingy again. But, I’ve enjoyed the long-handing a lot. Heaven only knows why. But the rub against the callouse of the first knuckle where the pencil sits, it’s just … invigorating.
I’m also down 12 pounds. How, I’m not really sure. Bivins said the Topamax would make a difference. I don’t think I’ve made that much of a change in my eating habit outside of splitting whatever I eat with Jon whenever we go out to dinner. Beyond that, not much has really changed. I do think I consume more sugar now, both because I eat cereal for breakfast and I drink more juice now than I did before. I do, however, eat home much more often than when I lived in Sacramento and went to school. I should be way more dedicated at keeping track of this stuff, then I wouldn’t have to guess.
That’s what I get for being lazy. :) Anyhow, see you in a couple more days!