Archive for March, 2006

Mar 31 2006

Maps by Moo

Well, having decided my own ideas for mapping new worlds wasn’t the best (given that Jon frequently wrinkled his nose at them), I came up with a new idea for creating natural looking continents. Yes, that’s right. Cows. The best breeds of cows I’ve found for this type of project are the Ayrshire and Holstein. […]

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Mar 30 2006

Noodling Around the Web

Published by under Personal,Poetry,Writing Journal

Coolness! I was poking around online looking for info on Eva’s California Poets in the Schools and a Google search on her name brought up an online version of Metamorphoses. I lost my printed copy long, long ago, but it’s neat to see our work still hanging around out there on the web :) : […]

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Mar 29 2006

Sharing the World with My Sister

Published by under Personal

So far in the last month, I’ve had two fantastic telephone conversations with my sister. She’s so adult now that it’s almost frightening. She’s managed to overcome some incredible obstacles: a drug addiction, smoking, and a history that I’m sure still haunts her. I suppose I can’t ask or expect perfection, but she makes these […]

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Mar 28 2006

Filled with Disappointment, but Happy Nonetheless

Published by under Personal

My heart felt a bit like lead yesterday when Marni called to say she was discontinuing the Teen Writers’ group. I could think of a hundred arguments, all selfish, of course, as to why this is a bad idea. Why walk away from something in its infancy when it hasn’t had the opportunity to be? […]

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Mar 22 2006

Fibro Blues and Greens

Published by under Fibrolog,Personal

Yesterday the back of my skull felt perforated as if someone with stiletto heels was dancing around in there and slipped through a few times. Still, I managed to get a few things done with crafting and around the house. Today, my head doesn’t hurt nearly as much, but I’m tired and sluggish. I want […]

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