Mar 30 2006
Noodling Around the Web
I was poking around online looking for info on Eva’s California Poets in the Schools and a Google search on her name brought up an online version of Metamorphoses. I lost my printed copy long, long ago, but it’s neat to see our work still hanging around out there on the web :) :
(note: I also workshopped/grouped for 4 or 5 years with Eva, and Nancy & Ron Smith)
I know Eva Poole-Gilson well (in the sense that you know someone though not intimately). She’s taught me poetry and creative writing since the dawn of time! (I guess that means we’re both getting old. :) I started out as a mini poet in class when I was in fifth grade and the last class I had with her was the Cerro Coso creative writing class in 1998, just before I moved to Sacramento. Wow. She’s been the biggest influence on my writing throughout the course of my life now. Thanks gobs and oodles, Eva!