Apr 13 2006

Pages full of words …

Published by at 9:31 am under Personal,Writing Journal

The more I learn about the writing process, the more amazed and infatuated I become. The elements that I’d missed or misunderstood when I was younger have helped me learn to treat my stories more like sculptures. Writing is a process and there’s nothing delicate about it. An idea that fades or fails on the page can be shifted and turned, placed on the page again. If it still doesn’t work, toss it out and start again.

The toughest part of revision is finding the ability to see the same pages over and over without dulling the senses. Once the story loses its freshness, it’s easy to miss even the obvious problems. Perhaps there is much to be said about setting a piece aside to cool for a while and starting something new, IF one has the discipline to return to the story after a week or two has passed.

Hmm. Maybe I need to try more of this.

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