Archive for April 18th, 2006

Apr 18 2006

Ugh and the FMS curse

Published by under Fibrolog,Health

For the third day in a row, I have a headache. It’s the type that starts at the eyes and wraps over the top of the head, ending at the base of the skull. At the heart of the ache, my head throbs. Naprosyn hasn’t phased this beast at all so far, so tonight I’m […]

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Apr 18 2006


Published by under Personal,Programming

Hmmm. Yes, I’m quite pleased with the new blog theme. I had to translate the Bulgarian stuff out and add the search (which I borrowed from the WordPress classic theme). Also, check out the pretty rainbow graphic Jon modified for me. I’m a gimp when it comes to Photoshop, but I’m learning how to be […]

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