Apr 18 2006


Published by at 3:37 pm under Personal,Programming

Hmmm. Yes, I’m quite pleased with the new blog theme. I had to translate the Bulgarian stuff out and add the search (which I borrowed from the WordPress classic theme).

Also, check out the pretty rainbow graphic Jon modified for me. I’m a gimp when it comes to Photoshop, but I’m learning how to be a graphics designer, too (albeit slowly). Big, thankful smooches to my sweety for all the help!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “alterations”

  1. Bellopheronon 19 Apr 2006 at 2:35 am

    Heya Breece,

    Long time no talk to. I really like what you have done to your site. I sent ya a PM on wow.therisen.net but ya never replied back. Was just wondering how your doing. I hope you dont mind, but I got your website from Sharon. (i had it in my favorites till the electronics in my old HD decided to stop working) If you ever feel like chatting and catching up on old times, hit me up on Yahoo! messenger or AOL. (Y!ID: chadwin_con AOL: non punisher)

    I hope everything is going well with you. Hope to hear back from ya soon.

    Chris aka Bell

  2. Breeceon 19 Apr 2006 at 10:39 am

    Hi Chris! Of course I don’t mind, silly! It’s nice to see you again. Do I have an account on wow.therisen.net? Ohhh, yes, now I remember. lol Sorry, short term memory is shot!

    Send me an email and let me know how things are going!