Archive for April, 2006

Apr 05 2006

Crabby Breeces Need Sleep

Published by under Personal

If I’m getting sick again, I will scream. Loud. Back to bed now. You scored as Otherkin: You are Otherkin. You identify with otherworldy beings and feel you are truly something other than human. You are only biding your time here until you can return to where you truly belong. You seek others who share […]

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Apr 03 2006

Geeking up a Storm

Published by under Personal,Programming

Ooooh yeah. Check out my homepage for Everwild. I’m not completely satisfied with the layout, but I finally fixed it for liquid css layout AND for content-first accessibility (which pickles me tink). I still have a long way to go before I really understand how to manipulate the layout with divs, but I learned a […]

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