May 01 2006

Another Blessing

Published by at 9:56 am under Body,Mind,Personal,Spirit

Thanks, Rick, for all these years (wow, what now, 14 or 15?) of friendship, for your encouragement to write, for all the videos of X Files you taped and sent, for the care packages of coffee, cocoa, and favorite books. I could go on. And on.

Thanks for adopting me, for calling me sister. For shelter when I needed to cry and for holding my hand all the millions of times. You are amazing.

A simple prayer for you: “Write. Now.”

Write, that I may share some of it here. Write, that you may continue the path to publication. Write, that you may swim in the depths of your own soul and see the universe there unfold. Write, that you may love, live, divine.

Write. Now.

One response so far

One Response to “Another Blessing”

  1. Sedagiveon 01 May 2006 at 1:51 pm

    Thank you, dear! You sure can be sweet! I’ll write a poem for you :-)
    Love, Rick