Archive for May 10th, 2006

May 10 2006

Defying Terrorism

Published by under Mind,Personal,Spirit

I haven’t seen the movie United 93 and I won’t. I defy terrorists and defeat terrorism every time I set foot on a plane. I think about flying now and a cold, strangling fear crawls up my spine. It wasn’t always this way. I loved flying; I loved feeling the plane take off from the […]

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May 10 2006

Myers’ Cocktail – Week 2

Published by under Fibrolog,Health

Week 2 – Day 3: So far no adverse effects. I can’t tell how much, if at all, the Myers’ Cocktail is helping. I don’t feel bad because of it, unless I can blame the abnormally busy dizzy and light-headedness on it. But, I could just as easily blame that on the Lyrica or the […]

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