May 10 2006
Myers’ Cocktail – Week 2
Week 2 – Day 3: So far no adverse effects. I can’t tell how much, if at all, the Myers’ Cocktail is helping. I don’t feel bad because of it, unless I can blame the abnormally busy dizzy and light-headedness on it. But, I could just as easily blame that on the Lyrica or the Ultram. I’m still on the prowl for the precisely right mix of activity modification and drug therapy to help me keep moving forward.
My hope is that this concoction isn’t just snake oil and that my greatest benefit will be freedom from the Fog. The increasing amount of times I lose myself in public places is alarming. Forgetting faces, names … sometimes I can’t even recall why I’m upstairs when I was downstairs only a minute ago. I’m told Alzheimer’s disease only effects the elderly. I wonder.
Jon commented the other day that I’ve vastly improved from the day I arrived here almost 3 years ago. It seems crash and burn is inevitable if I want to be a productive member of society. I keep trying to take my philosophy from the Tortoise and the Hare, but how? How does it fit in today’s society?