Jun 04 2006

Asking for your prayers …

Published by at 5:07 am under Mind,Personal,Spirit

Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Today, for those of you inclined to do so, I’m asking that you send a bit of love and strength via prayers to Yana’s sister (and the family in general). She’s about to lose her husband to kidney and liver failure. Also, a bit of love and fluff to Yana as she’s also facing her own challenges in life. Good, sound health is sometimes tricky to come by, whether it’s physical or emotional. We often take for granted our own good fortunes, forgetting how much we’ve needed the strength of others to get us through.

I’m still grounded in the belief that we’re all threads in the same fabric of the universe. Thus, if you send the teeniest prayer even to a stranger you’ve never met, they’ll receive it and be better for it. Let come what may, and may everyone involved have the strength to see it through.

At last report Sunflower the giraffe was still stuck in customs. Those officials must be jealous they didn’t get a giraffe for their birthdays. Well, I suppose if Sunflower doesn’t mind keeping them company, I’ve no complaints. ;)

Barbie seems to be doing well. She’s bossing Dad and the nurses around again. She doesn’t last long on the phone, but she did sneak a call to me the other day when Dad turned his back (or so he said). I’m relieved she’s still with us but I also hope this last brush with death will provide the impetus needed for her to create a healthier way of life. It has certainly challenged mine!

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