Jun 26 2006


Published by at 12:48 pm under Personal


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Monday”

  1. bill robinsonon 26 Jun 2006 at 1:22 pm

    Why ugh? I went league bowling today and almost made the 8-10 split.
    Even professional bowlers don’t even try for that score.

  2. Breeceon 26 Jun 2006 at 10:35 pm

    Rain. I need to wring out my chair. It’s almost as wet indoors as it is outdoors. The roads turn to rivers today; it was kinda cool. Except I can’t swim. Or eat Cheetos. Well, I could eat Cheetos, but they’re soggy. How’s the heatwave going?

    So, umm, can I talk you into passing along a copy or copies of your Archie Cleebo story? Lake was willing to try to dig some up, but you didn’a tell me she’s already published some 29 chapters! She’s a bit busy and would have to go treasure hunting for the specific back issues.

  3. bill robinsonon 27 Jun 2006 at 7:52 am

    Yeah, I have some Archies I can send you. Give me an address. The Bishop news said 107 degrees was recorded at the airport. Broke a record.