Jun 27 2006
Oh, Yeah …
NOW I remember why I love the desert so much! It has rained almost non-stop for 4 days. Okay, okay — 3.5. If this keeps up, I think the dehumidifier might go on strike. Then the basement will become our new indoor swimming pool, but I don’t know how to swim! Please send floaties. :)
Actually, the rain was pretty bizarre yesterday. I went to Jo-Ann’s in C-burg and when I left home, it was sunny. I wasn’t in the store five minutes when this massive torrent and lasted maybe 20 minutes. We had such a deluge of water, so quickly that streets turned into rivers and parking lots became lakes. From Jo-Ann’s, I went to Target and by the time I got out (45 mins later?) the sun was shining again. Well, 20 minutes later … you guessed it! It was raining again. It rained steadily all night long and hasn’t let up at all today. I think it’s all those iceberg-thingies up north melting cuz of global warming.
Lightning scares the heck outta me, but I love the thunder. Although we’d get rainstorms once in a blue moon in Olancha, I don’t recall there ever being much thunder. Now, the lightning storms in Owen’s Valley are far superior to those here in Virginia, but only because the forest here is so dense and makes it difficult to watch the lightning. The cannon volleies of thunder certainly make up for lost visual effects.
My neighbors dog runs away when we have thunder. We picked her up in Big Pine, Mamouth and all points in between. Today I went hiking and the soles fell off my new shoes. I remember we had a ping pong club in the Bishop City Auditorium and we stopped play, opened the doors to watch a rare downpour.