Jul 11 2006

Lots going on, but not much to say

Published by at 2:18 pm under Body,Mind,Other Authors,Personal,Poetry,Spirit

So, everyone knows the more time we spend in the sun, the lighter our hair becomes, right? For me, this usually means more pronounced red highlights. I think I liked this color — once — when I was 17.

Assertion on the box of L’Oréal #6A “Light Ash Brown”: This shade has a cooler tone that will help minimize red/orange tones.

You guessed it: my hair is now a lovely shade of auburn. That’ll learn me. What the hell, I’m going purple!

The Sage of Age

It has never been my intent
to evade the encroaching gray,
but to tame the youthful flames.
Certainly everyone must know
as time unwinds for one, for all,
that silver has more class than brass.

Last evening, I went with Jon to help one of his co-workers to bring in a new crop of freshly baled hay. Before-hand, I loaded up on a double dose of Naprosyn and afterwards took Darvocet. This morning I took Darvocet right after breakfast. Other than feeling a wee bit woozy and having (normal?) stiff muscles in my forearms and shoulders, I feel okay. I wouldn’t want to go dashing out to do it all again tonight and I usually don’t get bombed until the second or third day, but I think my overall health is indeed improving.

I’m still not consistent with pacing, but I am getting better. In the last few months I worked to switch my focus from trying to work a full week to working fully for a part-time week. I still suck at including things such as being on the computer writing or working on the website because they just don’t equate to my idea of “activity”, but when I do include them, I feel I am way more productive. So, for 20 hours a week, I am a fully functioning human being. Outside that 20-hour window, don’t bug me. You’ll find I’m a crabby, can’t remember shit kinda Breece. Crabby Breeces need sleep.

I’m working my way through a stack of The Voice papers that Bill was kind enough to send me. They feature chapters from his Archie Cleebo saga. From what I’ve gleaned so far, Archie is a young boy growing up with all the young-boy concerns. It seems for young Archie, this centers on girls. :) I’ll report more later.

I’m also enthralled with the paper itself. It’s small, maybe 10 to 12 pages, and printed on regular newsprint. Lake Puett publishes and distributes The Voice quarterly (it was monthly prior to 2006). Anyone interested in subscribing should send $28 to 8906 N. Aubrey L. White Parkway, Nine Mile Falls, Washington 99026. Be sure to include your name and a mailing address. The View features stories, poetry, and art by new and up-and-coming writers or artists. There appears to be no payment (perhaps copies?), but if you’re looking for exposure or a chance to break into print, don’t poo-poo the small press!

Sierra seems to be back on her feet 100%. I haven’t heard from my folks since Barbie called to say she’d done a full turn around. As my parents’ motto has always been “no news is good news,” I feel relatively secure in saying she’s fine.

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