Mar 14 2007

Thoughts on the First Time I Married

Published by at 1:28 pm under Poetry

I had a dream
I met a prince
and eventually
married him.
Then I kissed him.
Magic spell broken,

He turned into a toad.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Thoughts on the First Time I Married”

  1. roddyon 15 Mar 2007 at 6:16 pm

    Thank you for all your kind words. I wanted to change that blog to something constuctive, thoughts, opinions, feelings, friends… all open for discussion. Maybe, possibly(?) even help someone. I see that she will not allow that to happen for now. So i will close it up for a bit, make the blog only for me until things and smooth out.

    I have always loved the way you think and how you can communicate it so well. I wish i could do as well. Many hugs and tell Jon I said hi. Much love to you both.

  2. Breeceon 16 Mar 2007 at 9:50 am

    “I have always loved the way you think and how you can communicate it so well. I wish i could do as well.”

    If you’d seen me three days ago, sobbing, wanting to burn every poem I’ve ever written, perhaps you’d get a chuckle out of the irony in your words. I am never more clever than when I feel I need to protect one of my own. But, shit, did you really have to go and teach me how to be NICE about it?
