Apr 05 2007

Playing With Repetition

Published by at 1:44 pm under Poetry

This is freshly written today, so chances are it will evolve, but it was a fun little exercise. It’s inspired by Dan, who has taught me much.


My successes mean nothing–
not to you,
not to the public at random.
I cannot wear them;
they are not badges,
not gold medallions,
or even a letterman’s jacket.

My successes mean nothing–
not in daylight or at twilight,
or even under the moon.
I cannot see them;
they are not diplomas,
or glimmering trophies,
not even shining reviews.

My successes appreciate
from the quiet voices of a few
as they whisper, “thank you,”
in my ear,
in those moments,
at those times,
when only I am able to hear.

5 April 2007

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