Apr 07 2007
I killed the house plants
Not that it’s front page news, or even noteworthy, but I feel a little rotten. I’ve been trying hard to keep some pretty greenery in the house to make it look, well, livelier. Jon had a plant that needed a little TLC, and though my effort has been minimal, it was holding its own. I also bought three others, after killing one last summer possibly by over-watering it. Well, Thursday I put the darlings out on the front porch to get some sun. The windows are small and limited throughout the house, and this being April and all, I thought they could use a little light and fresh air. I didn’t bring them in last night or the night before, and this morning we woke up to almost an inch of snow on the ground.
The plants are liquefying even as I write this and I’m so, so sad. I was flirting with the idea of growing tomato plants this year. The Garden Police are gonna come get me. :/