Apr 13 2008

More Pictures!

Published by at 11:56 am under Personal

OhohOh (bouncebounceBOUNCE), our fab photographer, Jennifer Farris, has a sneak peek of our photos-to-come up on her blog. And look, they’re SO pretty! I can’t wait to see the rest.

Anyone who knows me well knows my aversion to cameras. They thieve the soul piece by piece, add extra pounds or third eyes and extra chins. In the presence of cameras my face slowly begins to melt, twisting and distorting into alien expressions of angst. By some magic in the blink of a shutter or the flash of a bulb, cameras NEVER fail to capture and freeze these expressions of horror for all time. It’s even worse when the person in possession of said camera sticks it in my face and screams, “SMILE!” insistently five or six times as I’m reeling backwards in an effort to escape. The result of such a traumatic episode is often a fabulous portrait of Jabba the Hutt, complete with strings of drool coursing along the folds of his chins.

I told Jon six months prior to the wedding that he needed to take pictures of me — many and often, and WAIT — tell me before you begin so I can eat 20 or 30 mg of generic Xanax in order to keep breathing once we start.

Yes, I’m that bad. But, I’m getting better. We live in a society where perfection equals beauty, and I am far from perfect. The difference between now and say, five years ago, though, is that I find myself surrounded more and more by people — like Jon — who are more interested in experiencing me for who I am, rather than in tearing me down. It’s rather new territory for me and I’ve discovered just how much trust is inherent to it. When Jon looks into my eyes and tells me I’m beautiful, I know he’s genuine, that there’s no ulterior motive, that he’s not just saying it because it’s part of the script.

Jennifer Farris convinced me of this, too. When she came into the room and introduced herself and Dawn (her stealthy sidekick) I detailed my shyness for her, explaining that she’d get better pictures if I didn’t have to pose or smile, or any number of awful things people-with-cameras make us do for that ultimate shot. She laughed and in a warm, sincere way said, “you know, the ladies who tell me they’re camera shy are ultimately the ones who end up giving me the best shots.”

Well, we won’t tell Jennifer it’s because of her amazing talent for making us look SO UN-like Jabba the Hutt and just keep that tidbit of info to ourselves. Seriously, though, she and Dawn did a fantastic job. Both of them had that in-the-thick-of-it sense of adventure of which Jennifer and I came out looking somewhat disheveled but Dawn managed to trek cross-country (okay, she DID get to drive the SUV down the road a ways) and still looked as regal and polished as the moment they’d first walked in.

Jennifer’s enthusiastic response to Jon and me made such a huge difference in how I responded to the camera. The process never felt invasive and was actually FUN (that has NOTHING to do with all the kissing!), and I suppose that’s the difference between the professional and the average Joe. More so, Jennifer’s enthusiasm — not only for us — but in her art (and ultimately, her job) never felt scripted.

In ALL the planning, seeking, hunting, etc. I did for this wedding, I discovered we got better results from the people who outwardly LOVE what they do. Melanie and Miranda from Tivon Salon (here in Blacksburg) are another example of this. So is Susan Vaught of Neighborhood Flower and Gift in Pembroke. I would esteem each of these people — not only as professionals, but as artists, too.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “More Pictures!”

  1. Susanon 14 Apr 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Oh my! Your wedding pictures are so wonderful. I know you must cry when you look at them. I did. Awww. Hugs.

  2. Diannon 14 Apr 2008 at 10:33 pm

    Not so much crying — but certainly a lot of ear-splitting squealing. It’s a conspiracy — Jon and Jennifer — they won’t giff me de key! (bouncebouncebounce)

  3. Kimon 16 Apr 2008 at 7:43 am

    Those really are beautiful pictures! Very artfully done. I feel the same way about pictures that you do, but those are awsome!