Archive for the 'Mind' Category

Mar 28 2007

Strange Epiphany

Published by under Mind,Spirit

Sounds like a great name for a rock band, doesn’t it? I deleted the last email, the one sitting in my inbox this morning. I didn’t even bother to read it. She’s always needed to have the last word; it’s her nature. I hope she feels better now, because I certainly do. I get it. […]

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Mar 27 2007

Old Relationships and New Perspectives

Published by under Mind,Spirit

When I first moved to Lincoln, California in 1998, for a while, I played the part of Rescuer. Eventually, that lead to more and more moments of being both Victim and Persecutor. Mostly though, I was merely codependent or counterdependent, depending on the day or my mood. No matter how dysfunctional my friendship with her […]

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Jul 11 2006

Lots going on, but not much to say

So, everyone knows the more time we spend in the sun, the lighter our hair becomes, right? For me, this usually means more pronounced red highlights. I think I liked this color — once — when I was 17. Assertion on the box of L’Oréal #6A “Light Ash Brown”: This shade has a cooler tone […]

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Jun 04 2006

Asking for your prayers …

Published by under Mind,Personal,Spirit

Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks. Today, for those of you inclined to do so, I’m asking that you send a bit of love and strength via prayers to Yana’s sister (and the family in general). She’s about to lose her husband to kidney and liver failure. Also, a bit of love […]

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May 26 2006

At Last, It’s Friday

Published by under Mind,Personal,Spirit

It’s a good day and a needed one after this week. On Monday I got a full dose of Myer’s Cocktail and it floored me. Or, perhaps the fun and sun at Colonial Williamsburg, the stress of almost losing my step-mother, and the cocktail made for a bomb of a week. Phew! It’s a little […]

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