Archive for the 'Spirit' Category

May 26 2006

At Last, It’s Friday

Published by under Mind,Personal,Spirit

It’s a good day and a needed one after this week. On Monday I got a full dose of Myer’s Cocktail and it floored me. Or, perhaps the fun and sun at Colonial Williamsburg, the stress of almost losing my step-mother, and the cocktail made for a bomb of a week. Phew! It’s a little […]

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May 23 2006

say your prayers …

Published by under Mind,Personal,Spirit

Even my dreams last night were prayers. We lost Kathy, Laurel’s mom, on my birthday. I’ll be damned if I’m going to lose my step-mother on my birthday, too. Even so, I am torn. So, I pray for the best outcome … an outcome I can trust will be the right path for all of […]

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May 10 2006

Defying Terrorism

Published by under Mind,Personal,Spirit

I haven’t seen the movie United 93 and I won’t. I defy terrorists and defeat terrorism every time I set foot on a plane. I think about flying now and a cold, strangling fear crawls up my spine. It wasn’t always this way. I loved flying; I loved feeling the plane take off from the […]

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May 01 2006

Another Blessing

Published by under Body,Mind,Personal,Spirit

Thanks, Rick, for all these years (wow, what now, 14 or 15?) of friendship, for your encouragement to write, for all the videos of X Files you taped and sent, for the care packages of coffee, cocoa, and favorite books. I could go on. And on. Thanks for adopting me, for calling me sister. For […]

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Apr 26 2006

Food for Thought

Published by under Books,Mind,Spirit

Wow. I have to copy these passages here. They’re from The Four Agreements, a book by Miguel Ruiz: The Second Agreement Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and […]

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