Archive for the 'Spirit' Category

Apr 25 2006

I am Remiss

Published by under Body,Mind,Personal,Spirit

Thank you, Roddy. For all those nights 10 years ago when the world threatened to come crashing down around me. Thanks for the phone calls, your faith, and strength. I wouldn’t have survived without your help. Tonight I am reminded even more of just how blessed I am.

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Apr 25 2006

Insurance Woes

Published by under Health,Mind,Personal,Spirit

If anyone has ever had to deal with ADP Benefit Services, I’m sure you’ll understand me when I say: I HATE COBRA. One of my bottom teeth decided to chip last night and I found out today — while visiting a new dentist — that I haven’t had dental coverage through Aetna since the end […]

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Apr 24 2006

Heart and Soul

Published by under Body,Health,Mind,Personal,Spirit

On Saturday, I went with Marni to Roanoke Valley’s Expo for Mind, Body and Soul. We sat through 50 min. classes on Reiki, awareness of the higher-self, and spirituality at work. It was educational, entertaining and fun. We also chanced upon friends from our “New Alchemy” book club (for want of a better name!). We […]

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