Archive for the 'Writing Journal' Category

Nov 13 2007

Beauty Without

I told her I’d dreamt of her, of the humpback melting into a mermaid dancing in a white gown, tail fins discreetly tucked into satin slippers. I told her of the wildebeest, of how it transformed, leaping into the shaded grove and sprinting out again a unicorn. I told her the details meant only for […]

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Oct 29 2007

A Song of Sorrow

Published by under Poetry,Spirit

(In loving memory of Specialist Wayne M. Geiger of the 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, Vilseck, Germany, 18 October 2007) I made a card for you, but even full of words, it felt empty. I trimmed a small paper heart and rimmed its ridges red, white, and blue. I pressed it to the front […]

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Apr 18 2007

Candlelight Vigil

Published by under Poetry

(In the aftermath of the attack on Virginia Tech students, Monday, April 16, 2007) The scent of wax permeates the air, hangs briefly over the drill field at dusk, before the wind whisks it away. We should be here to enjoy the cherry blossoms, as we were last spring. This candle scent stings, but it’s […]

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Apr 17 2007

A Long Winter is Heavy

Published by under Poetry

It’s too abstract, I know, but today, I don’t really care: Spring and winter have skewed. Yesterday’s budding leaves dry out, become withered old fists, while once-pink blossoms freeze to their limbs. Thirty-two souls are adrift on the wind, the thirty-third sinks to earth, leaves an oily black stain. The chill wind bites again. Now, […]

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Apr 05 2007

Playing With Repetition

Published by under Poetry

This is freshly written today, so chances are it will evolve, but it was a fun little exercise. It’s inspired by Dan, who has taught me much. BRAGGING RITES My successes mean nothing– not to you, not to the public at random. I cannot wear them; they are not badges, not gold medallions, or even […]

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