Archive for the 'Fiction' Category

Mar 22 2007

Little Ambitions

Published by under Fiction,The 1000 Club

On Tuesday afternoon, I decided to walk down to Crossroads to take our movie back. Levi was quite thrilled to be my personal escort; he bounced and twirled in dizzying circles when he saw his leash and collar coming out of the closet. It was a nice walk, took us maybe 40 minutes to get […]

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Mar 31 2006

Maps by Moo

Well, having decided my own ideas for mapping new worlds wasn’t the best (given that Jon frequently wrinkled his nose at them), I came up with a new idea for creating natural looking continents. Yes, that’s right. Cows. The best breeds of cows I’ve found for this type of project are the Ayrshire and Holstein. […]

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Oct 25 2005

Spitelash Fever – I. Blood Elves

Published by under Fiction

Note: The following is classified as a “Living Document.” That means I get to make changes and fix bits whenever the mood strikes me. ;)     It’s terrible like that. You hop a night-flying gryph to Menethil Harbor only to wake up the next day in South Shore nestled beside some surly gryphon with […]

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