Archive for the 'Writing Journal' Category

Jun 30 2006

Writing is Good for the Heart (and Soul)

Published by under Personal,Writing Journal

New post up today: A 10-Year Plan on the main site. This short piece is a 500-word essay I wrote to accompany my application for Hollins University. I’m guessing it’s an exercise used to determine if an applicant can spell and grasp the fundamentals of grammar. Given that I live with a worse Grammar Nazi […]

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Apr 13 2006

Pages full of words …

Published by under Personal,Writing Journal

The more I learn about the writing process, the more amazed and infatuated I become. The elements that I’d missed or misunderstood when I was younger have helped me learn to treat my stories more like sculptures. Writing is a process and there’s nothing delicate about it. An idea that fades or fails on the […]

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Mar 31 2006

Maps by Moo

Well, having decided my own ideas for mapping new worlds wasn’t the best (given that Jon frequently wrinkled his nose at them), I came up with a new idea for creating natural looking continents. Yes, that’s right. Cows. The best breeds of cows I’ve found for this type of project are the Ayrshire and Holstein. […]

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Mar 30 2006

Noodling Around the Web

Published by under Personal,Poetry,Writing Journal

Coolness! I was poking around online looking for info on Eva’s California Poets in the Schools and a Google search on her name brought up an online version of Metamorphoses. I lost my printed copy long, long ago, but it’s neat to see our work still hanging around out there on the web :) : […]

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Dec 01 2005

NaNo Update: The Morning After

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

Verified Word Count: 50,013 I did it. I’m a NaNo winner and a novelist.

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