Archive for the 'Writing Journal' Category

Nov 21 2005

NaNo Update: Day 21

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

Word Count: 30,368 Well, I’m back in action after virtually no writing for 7 days, but I still need to take a giant step forward. If I write daily from this point forward, I need to produce roughly 2,200 words a day. As it’s only 2 p.m. EST here, I’d like to knock back a […]

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Nov 12 2005

NaNo Update: Day 12

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

Word count: 25,093 I’m past the halfway mark, but it still feels like it’s all uphill. I’m guessing that’s because climatically, I’m still winding my way up the hill. I’ve made 1,882 words for today, but it’s early so I’m taking a break and I’ll go back again and work more later. Now, though, it’s […]

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Nov 12 2005

NaNo Update: Day 11

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

NaNo Word Count: 23,200 Okay, technically, we’re at the onset of Day 12 but I’m quite happy with my progress, as much as the story itself may suffer. In the meantime, ideas stream in, perhaps not for the future, but certainly to fill in the missing information from early in the story. If I finish […]

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Nov 11 2005

Okay, I admit it. I’m Evil. >:]

Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

Enter into our story the Dark Fae, Xsena, born of the unnatural coupling between a sister and a brother. Horribly twisted and evil, Xsena seeks the elements of black fire, believing the dark flame will provide the impetus necessary for her to breach the Maze of Asandomere and seize control of those Otherworlds beyond. Background: […]

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Nov 10 2005


Published by under NanoWriMo,Writing Journal

18,780 / 50,000(37.6%)

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