Archive for the tag 'Poetry'

Mar 03 2008

Answering the call to Poetry

Published by under Personal

One of the ladies from CC challenged other poets to answer why it is we love poetry. It took a lot of thought, but this is the response I gave: I gravitate towards poetry because for me, it’s often the translation of a world I rarely understand into words that I can understand. Short stories, […]

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Apr 18 2007

Candlelight Vigil

Published by under Poetry

(In the aftermath of the attack on Virginia Tech students, Monday, April 16, 2007) The scent of wax permeates the air, hangs briefly over the drill field at dusk, before the wind whisks it away. We should be here to enjoy the cherry blossoms, as we were last spring. This candle scent stings, but it’s […]

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