Apr 01 2007


Published by at 10:13 pm under Friends,Poetry

For my friends, Yana and Laurel, who really need to be more geek. ;)

We drank root beer all night,
sprawled like shipwrecked sailors
hoarding a last cask of rum.
Unladylike, draped over couches,
recliners, and a dusty, overstuffed chair,

we laughed ourselves purple
recalling the past – Duran Duran,
the trampling waves of Punk Rock,
leg warmers, and DayGlo pinks.
We hadn’t laughed so much
since the dawn following
our senior prom, the day
we ascended into adulthood –
A state of calamity we wouldn’t
recognize for another ten years.

This morning we pause to see
the dawn, sip herbal tea while
rubbing the mirth from our eyes,
each of us silently knowing
life is still larger, sighs deeper
when our plural becomes one.
The universe redistributes our
fragments — dove-like treasures
from a crumbled sand dollar,
pieces of eight snapped and halved
to pay local merchants,

We’re never strangers here
in the same room,
born of the same blood
when the universe we know
recreates and we begin anew.

12 March 2007

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