Archive for the 'Writing Journal' Category

Apr 02 2007


Published by under Poetry

For those young people of the White Rose Resistance, who lived and died courageously. You sent your messages barbed — prismatic words burrowing deep into the hardened, winter soul. These forbidden ideals scattered, delivered in secrecy, each of you toiled long, cold hours for justice. In January, you knew that you, too, were just as […]

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Apr 01 2007


Published by under Friends,Poetry

For my friends, Yana and Laurel, who really need to be more geek. ;) We drank root beer all night, sprawled like shipwrecked sailors hoarding a last cask of rum. Unladylike, draped over couches, recliners, and a dusty, overstuffed chair, we laughed ourselves purple recalling the past – Duran Duran, the trampling waves of Punk […]

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Mar 22 2007

Little Ambitions

Published by under Fiction,The 1000 Club

On Tuesday afternoon, I decided to walk down to Crossroads to take our movie back. Levi was quite thrilled to be my personal escort; he bounced and twirled in dizzying circles when he saw his leash and collar coming out of the closet. It was a nice walk, took us maybe 40 minutes to get […]

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Mar 14 2007

Thoughts on the First Time I Married

Published by under Poetry

I had a dream once. I met a prince and eventually married him. Then I kissed him. Magic spell broken, He turned into a toad.

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Jul 11 2006

Lots going on, but not much to say

So, everyone knows the more time we spend in the sun, the lighter our hair becomes, right? For me, this usually means more pronounced red highlights. I think I liked this color — once — when I was 17. Assertion on the box of L’Oréal #6A “Light Ash Brown”: This shade has a cooler tone […]

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